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Cinema HD is our number one and most frequently used app for several years. Pair it with your separate Real-Debrid account for the best performance.
How to Use Cinema HD APK on FireStick
Cinema HD APK is a the best option for watching on-demand movies and shows.
Run the app, and when you do that the first time, a Changelog window welcomes you with certain details. Click OK to remove that window (and read the details if you want to).
You are now guided to the home screen of the Cinema app on FireStick. The layout of the app is relatively simple. Almost all of its screen, barring a small strip on the top, is filled with the icons of the video content. Home-screen, by default, displays the featured movie titles.
If you want to switch to TV Shows, click the hamburger menu on the top left and choose TV Shows. Besides TV Shows and Movies, the menu also has a shortcut to your Favorites and Downloads. It also has the option to connect Real-Debrid to the app.
To sort the content by category or genre, click the small, inverted triangle next to the hamburger menu on the top-left.
If you want to look up a movie or TV show by keyword, use the Search option on the far right on the top.
You can type the name of the movie, episode, director, actor, etc., to search for the video content.